Pvt. Richard A. Griffith – World War Two Casualty

Richard Alvin Griffith was born on 10 October 1916, in Marion, Ohio. His parents are Edwin H. & Faye Griffith. Richard A. Griffith attended Harding High School. Prior to entering service he was employed at the Hotel Harding as an Elevator Operator and Bell Hop.

Richard A. Griffith would enter service with the United States Army. He was inducted at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, on 10 January 1942. Pvt. Griffith served with the 10th Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division “Name Enough,” under Patton’s Third Army. Pvt. Richard A. Griffith died in France, on 23 November 1944.
Pvt. Richard A. Griffith is buried in the Radnor Cemetery, Radnor, Delaware County, Ohio.
Richard A. Griffith is remembered on the Honor Roll, at the Veterans Memorial Park, in Marion, Ohio; on the west wall of the Marion County Courthouse; and on the World War II Veterans Memorial Wall, at the Marion Cemetery.

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